Here’s How…

Here’s how we purchase great domains

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We earn from our competitions mistakes.

It happens at a choke point, just because people take their own advice. Then they think they should or can go it alone without consequences.

Buy names, buy web hosting, buy SEO services without a deeper understanding and education, going it alone can and is often a major mistake – that you are free to pay for and make.

Careless, unscrupulous re-sellers will take your money and in the end, say “buyer beware”. They will blame it on you for not having a better education in IT, Media, Technology, Code, Advertising and much more.


Just don’t go it alone.

If you need help, 89% are in this group with you, and if your domain name success is important to you, why not ask a HUMAN BEING with loads of experience to smooth out the process, faster, better, stronger?

Well, that will cost more right?

But at what price?

What are your mistakes costing and we can guarantee you will make several in a few hours?

What most often occurs is, untested names, unlisted, too much web hosting, poor security level, over secure level, too many false (black hat) traffic schemes, and the worst is the people and robots that scan your website ownership info and start bombarding you with endless span in an effort to wear you down to buy their production services.

And still, everything you do will have little effect on your business’s bottom line or PR Rating.

ASK YOURSELF; What is the price of losing $10 a day in your business?

ANSWER a net loss of $3,560 a year.

It adds up and it should matter to you to do this the best way possible.

The funny thing about losing $3,650 a year is, you’ll never know you did. It will simply not be there in your bank account. 10 years later, $36,500 losses are just not there and you don’t miss it because you didn’t know you could have had it.

That is the price of doing your job very well, but then try to do the job of another type of expert in IT services. You do what you do, let’s say paint houses or change tires. We do what we do which is force Google to list you and make the internet come to your place of business, and convince people who thought they were just looking to come in and buy something.

If you would like to stop what you do and come to our training school then in a few years you can restart your usual business and you will have an advantage starting from scratch.

One of the main pitfalls of shopping domain names along with an expert is a trick of greedy price wars. The lower the amount the lower the service. If you buy a 15 dollar domain name, how much support is reasonable to expect this year? None is the honest answer. And your renewal trap will be set. You will pay in lost income.

Let’s end that situation. We hire the smartest people we can find in the world. But they have to also like helping people. And they have to prove they know more than the competition.

So let’s cut to the chase. If $97 a month is not in your budget, your budget for online success is seriously flawed, IT is not going to make you successful.

We don’t sell you a domain name.

We can, but why would we?

1. because you and everyone else needs more than one or two names. On average you need to own control and develop at least 5 five domain names.

